Providing accessible, guided covenant training for finance professionals

An online university-style course delivery platform

Accessible from anywhere, our online training platform delivers a seamless online course that you can progress at your own pace.

Video lessons for a guided classroom experience

Modules are broken down into specific video lessons for an easy to digest classroom experience you can work through at your own pace.

Granular multimedia learning approach

Alongside the video lessons, our platform delivers complementary lesson materials, a library of sample documents, case studies and course textbook.

Support community access for all learners

Learners can access to our community area to raise questions, ask for help and engage with other learners as well as our team.

Expert Guided Covenant Education from Sabrina Fox

"Over the past decade, investor protections have been steadily eroded in favour of borrower flexibility. Covenants that could once be relied upon to work in a particular way are now rife with risk and full of loopholes.

The course has been designed to tackle this issue through education. Our vision is to equip a generation of credit analysts with the ability to understand legalese so they can identify downside risk in covenants and make better investment decisions.” - Sabrina Fox

"There just isn't anything out there like this and as a credit analyst you're often just thrown in at the deep end without any formal training on the world of covenants"

Michael S

Credit Analyst

"Sabrina is an excellent teacher and her passion for covenants is obvious. The course is really well broken down and the use of real life examples and case studies makes a big difference to the application of the information."

Paul W

Investment Analyst

What's included in the license:

Video learning platform

We provide a classroom experience via our video platform. Compiled of lessons directed by the Queen of Covenants, Sabrina Fox.

Practical examples and exercises

We teach the theory and language behind covenants using real life examples and case studies so that you are learn in a genuine scenario. Imparting knowledge through practical application.

Course completion accreditation

With regular quizzes and recaps, we ensure you learn as the course progresses. Upon completion of the final exam, you'll receive a full accreditation certificate for the curriculum.

Upskill your team

Providing the course for your team or firm? We'll have you up and running and assigning your first learners in less than 10 minutes.

Convince your boss

Interested in taking the course to improve your effectiveness in your role? Here's some information for your firm to help get everyone on board.

We Believe in Giving Back

Fox Legal Training are proud partners with MyBnk the financial education charity, helping to provide high impact financial education for young people often in vulnerable positions or at turning points in their lives when they are in dire need of advice.

Please read our dedicated page about this partnership to learn more about all the superb work they are doing.

Covenant Training Blog

March 26, 2024

A Guide to Estimating Unrestricted Subsidiary Investments Capacity

In light of the recent news that a well-known telco borrower is using assets transferred to an Unrestricted Subsidiary as leverage for lenders to participate in discounted debt buybacks, we thought it was a good time to highlight potential sources of Unrestricted Subsidiary investments capacity in the average leveraged finance deal.
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